Week 4&5 – Denver Training June 16-30



After a few weeks of running while traveling, it was nice to be back in Denver for a bit. I’m slowly making progress on ramping up the weekly miles. Having battled many a training injury in the past, I know the wisdom of taking things slow.

But I must admit, there is some slight frustration. Although I can feel the progress, I can’t help but feel I’m not where I should be in terms of conditioning. This feeling is based on a decade of past training for marathons. Traditionally, I kept to a daily and weekly mileage regimen and in my mind, I should be running 20-30 miles a week with long-runs of 8-10 miles on the weekend. I’m not there yet because as I’m easing my way back into marathon fitness, I’ve decided to train using my Garmin Forerunner 255.

I’ve been following the training recommendation of this running watch and for these two weeks I’ve been averaging around 16 miles/week on limited long-runs. Despite this, I’m pretty surprised by how positive the analytics are. I’ll go into this on the next blog.


One weird observation is how race time projections differ in two different parts of the watch. I realize that one is an estimate of current race times, and the other is a projection, but I’m trying to wrap my head around how the estimates are made.


For example, the watch estimates that I would finish a marathon now in about 5:06:00. But the Chicago Marathon is 15 weeks away and I’m expected to be 10 minutes faster at 4:55:00 finishing time. Does it expect that my gains will be so minimal as to only make me 10 minutes faster?

Anyway. It’s just a curiosity. Not something I’m bothering investigating too much.


Thanks for reading.

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