Week 2 - Running Yuba Pass, May 30-June7th


The second week of training for the Chicago Marathon begins in earnest in the California Sierra Nevada. The first week of June is typically my annual pilgrimage to the Spring Fungi course at the Sierra Nevada Field Campus near Yuba pass.  My parents have a little summer place in the small town of Calpine.

My first run was in the hills above Calpine. I covered nearly three miles, but it was slow.  The hills are steep and my training watch suggests I covered 590 feet of ascent and over 600 feet of descent. All between 4900 and 5500 feet in elevation.

The second run was at Yuba Pass for a six mile long run.  I thought it would be ideal since there is a forest service road from the pass up Weber Lake Road.  I’ve traveled it enough times by car to have a feel for the road, or so I thought. My memory tricked me into thinking is was long and flat. It was not. In running three miles up the road I again covered over 550 feet in ascent. However, this occurred between 6700 and 7200 feet in elevation.


I was able to squeeze in another 2 mile run later in the week, but overall it was a low-key week in terms of milage. I did get in a lot of hiking due to going out on mushroom forays each day for the course, but It allowed me to prep for running in Canada the next week.

Please consider supporting my fundraising for the Chicago Area Runners Association.




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